So, since everyone on the internet is doing it...Just kidding! I just think that this thing that's going around the internet is a mighty fine idea and perhaps a good way to actually keep some of my new year's resolutions this year, like I have tried and failed to do in previous years. So, here goes, my list of things I will try to do this year:
-Graduate with Honors in May
-Become a "yes man" with some stipulations
1: The activity doesn't interfere with my moral compass
2: The activity doesn't conflict too much with my goal to graduate with honors
3: THe activity doesn't risk my life or well-being too much
-Become more healthy. I wan't to eat better, drink more water, exercise at least five times per week, get my weight to the best level according to the weight/height/age chart in doctor's offices, and raise my ability to run in the high altitude of flagstaff without getting out of breath too quickly
-Meet someone I admire, be it a celebrity, an author, or a youtuber, and if it's a youtuber, become actual friends with them!
-Read as many books in 2011 as I did in 2010, which will be super hard because I devoured books last year
-Get a good internship!!
-Meet someone. Someone special, who's not gay or taken, with whom I have the possibility of falling in love
-Be much more active on the interwebz and do a blog or a vlog at least once a fortnight
-Become closer friends with the people who are far away(you know who you are! and I love you!)
-Get back into Ballroom Dancing, and go dancing at least once a week
-Give up my vices ie; biscoff cookies, soda(except special occasions), magazines, and I think that's it...
So, since I posted it on here, and it's in this handy list form, maybe it will actually help me to keep them under control :) Any resolutions that you have? Share, share!
Last Song Apple Played: Surefire Winners~Adam Lambert
Number of China Garden visits: 0
Books Read: 2