Hi! I'm totally feeling so much better!! I got accepted into the Study Abroad Program and in January I will be off to the south of England! Yay, I'm super thrilled.
I am working really hard to get all of my applications and stuff in and tomorrow I must get a blood test and all kinds of horrid stuff. ew. I am also super busy with projects and stuff to finish for classes, but yeah. So, now I'm trying to expand my UK vocabulary, so leave comments with wicked British words (I know some already) and their definitions. I cannot gush enough! I'm so thrilled. I have Kat and possibly Allison and Abby visiting me there, and I get to visit people while I'm there too! The Caddows, Jim and Anka, Rene and Jon, Aqil, and Lauren here I come! Also, I plan to visit Venice, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Scotland, Wales, London, maybe France, and Roma. Oh gosh, you have absolutely NO idea how thrilled I am right now. If any of you think of another place or places I should visit while I'm across the pond, leave a comment of where and why! Dude, I'm so excited right now, if I was actually talking I would be rambling incoherantly about all the stuff I'm gonna do :D Bye for now!
10 years ago